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Why are Glocks Banned in Massachusetts?

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One of the most reliable handguns in the industry is the Glock handgun. This pistol has developed a reputation for durability, longevity, and accuracy. In addition, a lot of people like Glock handguns because they are light, making them easy to carry. At the same time, there are many responsibilities and restrictions that come with owning a gun. In particular, there are numerous restrictions in the state of Massachusetts. A lot of people believe that Glocks are banned in Massachusetts. In reality, this is not the case. If you are looking to purchase a Glock in the state of Massachusetts, there are a few points you could keep in mind.

Glocks Are Not Banned in MA, But Glock Does Not Sell In MA

First, there is a common misconception. Many people believe that Glock handguns are banned in the state of Massachusetts. This is not true. Glock handguns and pistols are not banned in Massachusetts; however, Glock does not sell firearms directly to Massachusetts consumers. That is because the guns do not conform with a myriad of Massachusetts safety requirements.

On the other hand, Glock does sell to other entities in the state of Massachusetts. For example, Glock cells to law enforcement agencies in Massachusetts. In addition, Glock also sells to a variety of wholesalers. Therefore, it is still possible for someone to purchase the Glock pistol in Massachusetts. People simply need to know where to get them.

You Must Have a License To Carry a Firearm In MA

If you are interested in owning a Glock in Massachusetts, there are several licenses and certifications that you may need to have. The exact licenses you need to possess depend on what type of pistol you want to carry and what you want to do with it. A few examples include:

  • The Firearms Identification Card: If you are interested in purchasing, possessing, or transporting a long gun, such as a rifle or a shotgun, this is the ID card that you need to carry. Because Glock pistols do not fall into this category, you should not need to have this card in order to own or carry a Glock pistol.
  • A License To Carry Firearms: You must have this license in order to purchase, possess, or transport a handgun. If you are interested in buying a Glock pistol, you will need to show this license in order to buy one.

If you move from another state to Massachusetts and already have a Glock pistol, you have 60 days to get a license to carry firearms. On the other hand, if you have a rifle or shotgun, this 60-day window does not apply. Therefore, you wouldn't need to have a Firearms Identification Card immediately upon entering the state of Massachusetts with a rifle or shotgun.

Other Restrictions in Glock Pistols in MA

In addition, there are several other restrictions you should know about. For example, there is a magazine capacity restriction. It is illegal to possess magazines that have more than ten rounds. Therefore, if you are interested in owning a Glock pistol with a capacity greater than ten rounds, you will not be allowed to possess this weapon in Massachusetts.

In addition, if you are interested in purchasing a Glock pistol, the seller has to verify that you have the appropriate license. This verification is checked against the registry of the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. Therefore, you will need to pass a background check to have a license and purchase a Glock pistol.

Finally, Massachusetts also has red flag laws. A judge may issue a temporary order to confiscate your firearms if you appear to be at risk of harming yourself or others. This means that law enforcement agencies could come and take your Glock pistol away if you are deemed a threat.

Make Sure You Get the Most Out of Your Glock with Ghost, Inc

Even though Massachusetts does have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, Glock pistols are not banned in Massachusetts. You simply have to jump through the appropriate hoops to get one. Once you have worked hard to get your Glock pistol, make sure you get the most out of it. Ghost, Inc has a variety of accessories, including trigger connectors, that you can use to get the most out of your Glock pistol. Check out the selection at Ghost, Inc, and customize your Glock.

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