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Interchangeable Glock Parts

Posted by Ghost Inc. on

One of the great advantages of having a Glock firearm is how simple the design really is. Instead of a lot of the intricate assembly that was so common in other handguns, the Glock is literally made up of 34 parts. That approach makes the Glock far more serviceable, easy to understand and for an owner to learn, and it makes the handgun far more reliable and durable. Less parts involved means less things that break or wear down. Even more important, the simple design of the Glock allowed for interchangeability between models. Key parts of each Glock are the same for different models, and that makes it far easier to repair and maintain.

Interchangeable Glock Parts

First off, the large size parts of the handgun are all interchangeable. This includes the handgun frame as well as the Glock stock and the related slide. Second, a good number of the internal pieces can also be shared between certain Glock models, depending on the specific part. Not only does the design make it easier for Glock owners with multiple models to find greater support for maintenance, it also makes the assembly and production of the models far easier for the company as well while still keeping to high quality standards on each firearm.

Most Glocks available or owned today are Generation 3 and 4 models. There are quite a few of the earlier versions running around, but for interchangeability of parts for the purpose of customer support, maintenance and efficient ownership of multiple models the current discussion focuses around the last two generations versus the first two.

The bulk of parts that are interchangeable are in the fire control assembly. Most owners aren’t going to fuss with these parts, leaving them stock and just focusing on their current model, but the related parts are actually swappable.

The Glock Connector

While a good portion of the trigger housing was trimmed down a bit to fit the generation 4 frame size, the connector actually stayed the same. This was on purpose to make sure the latest generation still had the same kind of trigger pull as the previous generation Glock. So, in theory, a connector from a Glock Generation 4 could be swapped into a Generation 3 handgun. But it’s going to behave differently as the part interacts with the rest of the components. No one has really come up with a good reason for doing such a swap, so it’s generally avoided in practice.

The Glock Ejector

The two generations’ parts are different in design, but that said the actual part could be swapped from a Generation 4 assembly to a Generation 3. Again, however, practicality kicks in. If you want to get an ejector part, you have to buy the whole trigger housing. So, what’s the point? The only likely reason an ejector is going to fail is because of excessive usage (translation – firing thousands of rounds). The more likely opportunity is if someone has a bunch of Glock parts scavenged and sitting around and an ejector for some reason is needed for a self-repair.

The Glock Magazine

Not prone to getting a lot of fanfare as a Glock part, the Magazine is a critical part when you want to make sure you have something to actually shoot out of the gun. Where the Glock Generation 4 handgun has the magazine release on the left side, either Generation of Magazine is going to work in the Generation 4 assembly.

The Glock Trigger Bar

Swappable between the Generations 3 to 4 and vice versa, the Glock Trigger Bar is clearly a universal part in the Glock assembly portfolio. For those who are extremely sensitive to how their handgun fires, swapping out the Trigger Bar to a Generation 3 version seems to remove some roughness noted with the latest Glock models.

From the 50,000 foot level, most gun owners are going to leave their Glocks standard and just enjoy them as they are.  Ghost Inc. provides a great array of support with accessories and maintenance help. But for those who like to tinker or have a large collection of parts for assemblies and want to try out different mixes to realize the performance differences, the above parts are technically possible between Generations 3 and 4 Glocks. But you should always ask yourself what's the benefit before going down that road if you need to rely on the handgun regularly. If you just link to tinker and discover, well, knock yourself out (figuratively, of course).

Glock Parts and Handgun Accessories by Ghost Inc

Glock OEM Parts -  Glock Base PlatesGhost PartsGlock MagazinesGlock 42/43/43X/48

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